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Pet Tips by Big Wanda Knows

One of the first sentences a parent hears from a child is  “Can we keep him?”  Nearly every single parent has been faced with this dilemma. Your child is outside playing and a curious dog or kitty appears. The young person walks into their home with this adorable “homeless” animal and you as a parent have to quickly say “I believe he already has a home and someone is missing him.”  Almost instantly the child starts to cry.

Big Wanda has one of these dreaded  “Can we keep him?” scenarios. She was 5 and she brought home a German Shepard. Big Wanda remembers that day like it was yesterday. It would be another 5 long years, until Big Wanda had own her dog love.

Big Wanda has loved many dogs, cats and birds. Her parents told her “You will be take care of  her and she is a part of this family until the day she dies.”  Fluffy a mixed breed Collie was Big Wanda’s dog. Fluffy was with Big Wanda’s family for 12 years.

With this journey of pet ownership Big Wanda has learned many valuable tips to make living with an animal an enjoyable experience.

Before you bring a dog or cat into your life there are a few  pet tips Big Wanda would like to suggest. There are also things to consider after your new friend arrives.

  1. Do you have the time needed to care for your new family member?
  2. Can you afford another mouth to feed? Do not forget medical care for your dog or cat.
  3. Just like a child you will have to pet proof your home.
  4. Adopt from a local shelter.
  5. Borrow a friend’s dog for an entire week to learn if dog ownership fits your current lifestyle.
  6. Do not make an instant decision about a lifetime commitment. Take your time.
  7. Get your new friend micro-chipped
  8. Have all the supplies needed at your home before they arrive. Bed, Collar, Food, Toys, Brush, Bowls
  9. Never ever ever yell or hit your new friend. Be patient. They are like little babies.
  10. Do not leave them outside chained to a tree. Do you want to be outside chained to a tree?

If you have enjoyed these tips visit House Tips, Beauty Tips, Cooking Tips, Garden Tips.

No people food for your animal companions.


Your animal companion may be only part of your life. To them you are their entire life.


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