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Garden Tips by Big Wanda Knows

Big Wanda Knows has the best garden tips. Big Wanda loves to plant flowers and every spring she starts her vegetable garden. You do not need to have a large area to have a garden, Big Wanda uses the technique of container gardening.

Think outside the box when considering a container for planting. Of course you can go the traditional route of plastic or claypot containers. What about a child’s wagon or an old vintage wood toolbox? The possibilities are endless just make sure there are drainage holes.

Before you go to the garden center you need to have an idea about the plants you want for your garden. The Internet is the best place for research. Some plants need more sun than others. Also, it is recommended you purchase plants for your particular zone. Someone who lives in northern Minnesota will not have the same plants as a person in southern Florida.

The USDA has a great website to find your zone. Just type in your zip-code. Big Wanda has lots of garden tips. Every season Big Wanda’s garden tips will save you time and money.

There are several things Big Wanda suggests for container gardening.

  1. At the end of the season remove all the dirt and throughly wash your containers with hot water and a little bleach.
  2. Always use new soil
  3. Water in the early morning or late in the afternoon after the sun has gone down.
  4. Make sure your container has drainage holes.
  5. Mix in a slow release fertilizer before you add your plants.
  6. Continue to fertilize throughout the growing season.
  7. Add mulch to the container. Mulch helps keep your soil moist.
  8. Keep the labels with your plants.
  9. Children love to garden. Give them the responsibility to care for their own little garden.
  10. Learn to can. Imagine a cold winter night with a big bowl of pasta. The pasta sauce  was made months earlier with your own tomatoes.

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